- Stéphane Barland
- Gian Luca Lippi
- Robin Kaiser
- Jesús Zúñiga-Pérez
The goal of this meeting is to foster interactions around the topic of photonic phase transitions, at or out of thermal equilibrium. We welcome contributions about experimental and/or theoretical research on light-matter interactions including atomic systems, waveguides, resonators in weak and strong coupling.
Confirmed participants as of 19th may: Alejandro Giacomotti (UPS-C2N), Jean-Jacques Greffet (UPS-LCF), Michiel Wouters (UAntwerp), Ariel Levenson (UPS-C2N), Guillaume Malpuech (Institut Pascal), Guillaume Huyet (Institut de Physique de Nice), Stephan Reitzenstein (TU-Berlin), Antonio Picozzi (ICB), Thierry Guillet (U. Montpellier), Jesper Mork (DTU), Iacopo Carusotto (Trento), Tobias Donner (ETH), Mathias Marconi (Institut de Physique de Nice), Robert Nyman (Imperial College London), Francesco Papoff (Strathclyde), Thorsten Ackemann (Strathclyde), Gian Luca Oppo (Strathclyde), Davide Pierangeli (Rome), Claudio Conti (Rome), Andrea Fratalocchi (KAUST), Himadri Dhar (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay), Martin Weitz (Uni. Bonn)
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