Measurements of mutual impedance probe in a plasma chamber

Pietro Dazzi

LPC2E - CNRS Orléans -

In situ measurements represent a fundamental source of data for the comprehension of space plasmas, but are limited by the impossibility to freely choose or repeat the experimental conditions: space measurements are an observational science. When developing instrumentation for space plasmas, it is therefore of great interest to be able to replicate the conditions met in space, in order to validate the hardware and the models used to interpret the measurements. The aim of this project is the development of a platform used to test the new models in course of study for the mutual impedance probe instrument. This platform is a plasma chamber, outfitted with various diagnostic instruments for cross reference. The comparison of multiple measurements techniques showed the need for a complete model that takes into consideration the presence of metallic surfaces near the instrument as well as the influence of an external magnetic field.