Finding committor functions in climate models

George Miloshevich

école normale supèrieure de Lyon -

One of the big challenges today is to appropriately describe heat waves, which are relevant due to their impact on human society. Common characteristics in mid-latitudes involve meanders of the westerly flow and concomitant large anticyclonic anomalies of the geopotential field. In order to study predictability and classes of heatwaves we perform various types of regression on a climate model.

Of particular interest to us is a committor function, which is essentially a probability a heat wave occurs given the current state of the system. Committor functions can be efficiently computed using the analogue method, which involves learning a Markov chain that produces synthetic trajectories from the real trajectories. Alternatively they can be estimated using machine learning approach. Finally we compare the composite maps in real dynamics to the ones generated by the Markov chain and observe how well the rare events are sampled, for instance to allow extending the return time plots.