Enhanced performance of Thermal Photonic devices operating near Exceptional Points

Lucas Fernandez-Alcazar

IMIT-CONICET (Argentina) -

Thermal Photonics is a blooming area of both fundamental and applied interest. Here, we discuss how to design prototype thermal photonic devices with extreme features, whose performance can be dramatically enhanced when they operate in the vicinity of Exceptional Points (EPs). The later are non-Hermitian spectral degeneracies of the effective Hamiltonian describing the system connected to reservoirs, whose response is highly sensitive to parameter perturbations near the EP. By combining the presence of these spectral degeneracies with appropriate cyclic modulations of the parameters of the system, we design a variety of thermal photonic devices for thermal radiation control (e.g. for thermal radiation pumping, rectification, refrigeration) and energy harvesting (thermal engines). By bringing together elements of non-Hermitian wave Physics and Thermal Photonics, we expect that our proposals will contribute to the research agenda in thermal radiation management and energy harvesting.

Related paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s42005-021-00577-5 ; https://arxiv.org/pdf/1906.00305.pdf ; https://arxiv.org/pdf/2006.12200.pdf