Gravito-turbulence in accretion disks: instability, spirals and locality

  • Invited Professor: William Bethune
  • Date: July 1, 2022
  • Where: Parc Valrose - Fizeau building 1st floor - Room Chesneau

spiral disk

A variety of astrophysical disks exhibit spiral arms, notably around young stars. One plausible origin for these structures lies in the self-gravitating nature of the disk, when it is still massive relative to its central star. In this case, spiral features may provide valuable clues on the conditions of disk dispersal and planet formation, such as the disk mass, temperature, etc. However they are often described as linear waves in razor-thin disks, and their role on the evolution of the disk is commonly reduced to an effective turbulent viscosity. I will look back at these approximations in light of recent numerical simulations and discuss the deceptive nature of large-scale spiral arms as they appear in gravito-turbulent disks.

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