We will talk about shaping wavefronts at the nanoscale and wave condensation. Please join online (open to all) and meet our speakers:
- Samira Khadir (Université Côte d’Azur): Metasurfaces: design, characterization and applications
In this presentation, we introduce the concept of metasurfaces. We provide their basic design principles, the optical characterization using interferometry-based method and finally, some practical applications
- Antonio Picozzi (Université de Bourgogne): Condensation of light waves in nonlinear media
We provide an introduction to the thermalization and condensation of classical waves in the theoretical framework of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation, in relation with recent experiments realized in hot atomic vapors and multimode fibers.
Connection details:
- https://zoom.us/j/91089123133?pwd=STJnQ2E2VE94RnZkdDU0V3VRYzJlZz09
- Meeting ID: 910 8912 3133
- Passcode: 5SbETP